#--- replace MYCALL with a tactical call #--- replace W2ABC with a real call #--- replace Anytown with the real town name #--- set the lat/lon correctly in all beacons #--- check the digipeater settings #--- see http://aprs.org/localinfo.html for the repeater beacon format --- !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRS4RConfiguration devices: device0: !ruby/object:APRS4R::AX25SocketConfiguration #--- new format as of 1.0.2!!! name: rf0 type: AX25Socket enable: true remote: false deprecated: false call: MYCALL device: /dev/tts/1 port: 0 baudrate: 9600 mode: kiss/tnc2/tapr speed: 1200 duplicatePeriod: 30 timeout: 300 parameters: !ruby/object:APRS4R::KISSDeviceConfiguration name: type: enable: false remote: false deprecated: false device: /dev/tts/1 baudrate: 9600 port: 0 speed: 1200 timeout: 300 txdelay: 20 persistence: 0 slottime: 0 duplex: false # device0: !ruby/object:APRS4R::AX25SocketConfiguration # name: rf0 # type: AX25Socket # enable: true # call: MYCALL # device: /dev/tts/1 # baudrate: 9600 # mode: kiss/tnc2/tapr # speed: 1200 # duplicatePeriod: 30 # timeout: 300 device1: !ruby/object:APRS4R::ISSocketConfiguration name: is0 type: ISSocket enable: true hosts: [aprs2na.dimebank.com] port: 14580 username: MYCALL filter: "# filter m/75" duplicatePeriod: 30 timeout: 60 plugins: plugin15: !ruby/object:APRS4R::MessagePluginConfiguration name: message forward is to rf type: MessagePlugin enable: true rfDevice: rf0 isDevice: is0 timeout: 900 path: WIDE2-1 plugin30: !ruby/object:APRS4R::ISServerPluginConfiguration name: rf0,is0 local server plugin type: ISServerPlugin enable: false inDevices: - rf0 - is0 outDevices: - is0 port: 1445 path: plugin10: !ruby/object:APRS4R::GatewayPluginConfiguration name: rf02is0 Gateway type: GatewayPlugin enable: true inDevice: rf0 outDevice: is0 rf0Beacon0: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rf0Beacon0 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: rf0 offset: 0 period: 1800 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "!3810.01N108523.00W#PHG3130 W1 Anytown W2ABC" source: MYCALL path: [] rf0Beacon1: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rf0Beacon1 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: rf0 offset: 600 period: 1800 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "!3810.01N108523.00W#PHG3130 W1 Anytown W2ABC" source: MYCALL path: [] rf0Beacon2: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rf0Beacon2 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: rf0 offset: 1200 period: 3600 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "!3810.01N108523.00W#PHG3130 W1 Anytown W2ABC" source: MYCALL path: [WIDE1-1] rf0Beacon3: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rf0Beacon3 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: rf0 offset: 3000 period: 3600 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "!3810.01N108523.00W#PHG3130 W1 Anytown W2ABC" source: MYCALL path: [WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1] rf0Beacon4: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rf0Beacon4 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: rf0 offset: 17 period: 3600 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: ">Courteous digipath is WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 for mobiles, WIDE2-2 for fixed stations" source: MYCALL path: [WIDE1-1] rf0Beacon5: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rf0Beacon5 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: rf0 offset: 1817 period: 3600 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: ">Use W1-1,W2-1 mobile, W2-2 fixed" source: MYCALL path: [WIDE1-1] rf0Beacon6: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: rpt0Beacon0 type: BeaconPlugin enable: false device: rf0 offset: 15 period: 600 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage #--- see http://aprs.org/localinfo.html for format! destination: AP4R10 payload: ";147.18okh*111111z3717.55N/08523.04WrT146 R25m Anytown" source: MYCALL path: [] is0Beacon0: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: is0Beacon0 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: is0 offset: 3 period: 1200 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "!3810.01N108523.00W#PHG3130 W1 fill-in/igate Anytown, CA W2ABC" source: MYCALL path: [] is0Beacon1: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: is0Beacon1 type: BeaconPlugin enable: disable device: is0 offset: 23 period: 1200 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "!3810.01N108523.00W#PHG3130 W1 fill-in/igate aprs4r OpenWRT W2ABC" source: MYCALL path: [] is0Beacon2: !ruby/object:APRS4R::BeaconPluginConfiguration name: is0Beacon2 type: BeaconPlugin enable: true device: is0 offset: 33 period: 1200 message: !ruby/object:APRS4R::APRSMessage destination: AP4R10 payload: "